SoccerGrlProbs: The Fight For Equal Grounds Part II
Child burned on DC playground highlights turf, rubber surface concerns (WUSA TV9)
See Athletes' Descriptions of their Injuries

Remember to learn your first aid, kids. Thank you boy scouts. #turfburn#occlusivedressing #firstaid #meritbadge#saranwrap #bacitracin

Not even 20 minutes into my first rugby practice in 4 years, and I already remember how much I despise Turf #rugby#sjsu #turfburn

Casualty of football. Raudel got really bad turf burn today during practice#football #deanzahighschool#turfburn

#TurfBurn 's are #TheWorst then I twist my #ankle multiple times today too!!! Smh #CantWinForLosing but I'm striving to #BeBetter#BiggerFasterStronger #MentalAthleticism#YaaEfitness

This is why no one wants to play on turf, but for a #shutout it was #worthit#turfburn #butisavedit #gklife #goalkeeper

The cost of a slide tackle - infected turf burn, tetanus shot and a strong round of antibiotics ⚽️ #soccer#turfburn #slidetackle #cantstop

Hate them! A new one from tonights practice! #soccergirlprobs #turf#burns #turfburns #soccer #soccerswag#bloody #cuts #hurts

The last #football scar for the 2014 season. Check out that sock imprint. lol #turfburn #nojokefootball #wfa#allamericangame

#tbt to when my battle wound refused to heal.. Instead of scabbing it just scarred, but on the brightside I'm just so glad it doesn't hurt anymore! :D #turfburn #dci #drumcorps #scars

No need for a number on the back of my jersey, playing hard defence on a huck provided this #masterpiece#turfburn #ultimate

EPA & CDC, August 5, 2016
"Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has caused outbreaks among athletic teams and artificial turf has been implicated as a fomite in transmission of MRSA among college athletes."
Cincinnati Enquirer, May 20, 2015
The lawsuit filed in Campbell County Circuit Court claims the cut Brycen McWilliams sustained became infected with a virulent strain of the staph bacteria from the artificial turf on the field. McWilliams, a junior running back from Somerset High School in south central Kentucky, spent weeks in the hospital and missed part of the spring semester as the infection festered, his attorney Tad Thomas said. The infection was Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which doesn't respond to antibiotics.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Oxford University Press, November 15, 2004
"MRSA was likely spread predominantly during practice play, with skin breaks facilitating infection. Measures to minimize skin breaks among athletes should be considered, including prevention of turf burns and education regarding the risks of cosmetic body shaving."
Science Daily, November 9, 2004
"Researchers found that 10 percent of players on a Connecticut college football team had MRSA skin infections, for which two were hospitalized.
Those who sustained turf burns during play were seven times more likely than their teammates to contract MRSA."
Fox Sports, February 2, 2017
“U.S. players have been pretty clear on their preference to play on grass. While not all hate playing on artificial surfaces, they’ve made it clear that they prefer natural surfaces.”
“Former U.S. manager Jurgen Klinsmann especially hated [synthetic] turf and did most everything in his power to keep his team from playing on it. Even new U.S. boss Bruce Arena has been critical of the surfaces before.”
New England Sports Network, November 25, 2016
"While Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has enjoyed great success on his home field since the change, he said Friday he’d be in favor of ditching the fake stuff and switching back to grass.
'I think most players prefer grass,' Brady said."
Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland, November 6, 2016
FIFA Report, 2014
"Players perceive the injury risk to be higher on football turf pitches than on natural grass, although the reported injuries are associated to soreness and fatigue, rather than muscular tears or fractures."
NBC Connecticut, September 10, 2015
A high school football coach in Connecticut is apologizing after an on-field punishment that left some of his players with blisters and burns earlier this week. Parents cried foul after Stratford High School coach T.J. Cavaliere told his team to crawl on the artificial turf with their bear hands at the school's football field Monday. The drill, on a day where temperatures raced past the 90 degrees amid baking sun, caused some of the players to burn their hands on the heated turf.
ESPN, June 26, 2015
"Australian forward Michelle Heyman told reporters that when the temperature rises, the fields are like walking on 'hot coals.' "
The Washington Post, June 6, 2015
“For us to be playing the biggest tournament for women’s soccer on artificial grass is unacceptable. The game is completely different. It’s fake. So you don’t know how it’s gonna bounce. You don’t know how the ball is gonna run. It’s terrible for your body."
The Washington Post, June 5, 2015
“Numerous studies have explored the impact of artificial turf on the game and the body. The conclusion: In fear of injury, players are less likely to use slide tackles; the stress on joints increases; skin abrasions are more pronounced; additional recovery time is needed between matches; and with the ball moving quicker, a pinball effect threatens to destroy the rhythm of the game.”
Duke University Soccer Politics Blog, 2015
"Not only are players concerned about major ligament tears and concussions, but they also speak to the increased stress on the body. Morgan feels that recovery time is an issue as well: 'The achiness, taking longer to recover than on natural grass, the tendons and ligaments are, for me at least, I feel more sore after turf.' "
ESPN, November 27, 2014
"I've said it before and said it so many times. If this league wants to progress -- or any league in the world -- turf has to go. It's very simple. Very, very simple. It's not good enough."