• Synthetic turf contains known carcinogens & neurotoxins: lead, mercury, cadmium, PAHs, VOCs, SVOC, phthalates, benzene, toluene, and carbon nanotubes.

  • CDC & AAP are unequivocal that there is no safe level of lead exposure and lead has been present in both tire infill and plastic grass.

  • Each synthetic field is filled with 50k shredded waste tires.

  • Synthetic turf fields are clearly marketed to elementary schools and pre-schools via promotional materials, as well as older age groups.

  • Tires are not created for children’s standards, and synthetic turf is not regulated as a children’s product.

  • Children are uniquely vulnerable to exposure to neurotoxins, carcinogens & other toxins.

  • The three vectors for exposure are inhalation, ingestion, and dermal uptake.

  • There have been no studies of synthetic turf components for use by children in close, frequent contact, in high heat, over time.

  • Grass stays at/near 85-95 degrees; Synthetic turf regularly gets into 140s & 150s; gets up to 200 in Nevada, Hong Kong & others. Heated synthetic turf can melt shoes and blister hands and feet.

  • Youngest children are most at risk because of proximity to hot, toxic surface & body-systems which are still rapidly growing.


  • Synthetic turf field create heat islands, which contribute to global warming -- the opposite of grass fields, which cool the environment.

  • Zinc from the tires enters storm water run-off, and poisons organisms like daphnia at the bottom of the food chain.

  • Each synthetic turf field loses approximately 2.4 TONS of waste tire infill into the environment annually. (Source: Martha's Vineyard Synthetic Fields Impact Study (Partial): Anticipated Geofill Contamination)


Loss of waste tire infill into the environment:

Photos by Tracy Stewart: Medway, MA synthetic turf fields after plowing. (March 23, 2017)

Environmental EFFECTS Of Natural Turfgrass:

Source: Natural Grass Athletic Fields powerpoint (Sports Turf Managers Association)