Image: Scott Barbour

Image: Scott Barbour

Mike Ozanian, Forbes, April 19, 2016


Many towns are being ripped off by artificial turf fields. The fake plastic stuff doesn't last as long as advertised in many cases and school employees are lax in demanding accountability.

At least that is what this CBS channel 2 news report claims.

CBS2 asked turf consultant Joe DiGeronimo to come look at nearly a dozen Long Island fields, all of which are still under warranty. DiGeronimo is the turf consultant for the City of Los Angeles. He told CBS while examining a field: “It frays, and then the frays break down into smaller fibers. In other words, a wide fiber would stand wear and tear. Where it breaks down to hairline fibers, those fibers break apart. They don’t have strength.”

Schools and parks paid up to a million dollars for each field, expecting they would last a decade or more.